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    Helping You Conceive a Healthy Baby


    Siobhán Kehoe is an expert in the field of fertility treatment with 30 years of experience. She combines her clinical expertise, research and passion into her own 'Oneness Fertility' programme, which helps couples conceive healthy babies. She sees patients from Ireland and abroad and has exceptional results.



  • Message from Siobhán

  • Success for Bea and Shaun after 4 failed IVFs

    In this heartfelt video Bea, an incredible 44 year old mother of three, shares her emotional IVF journey. While Bea was told poor egg quality was an issue, Siobhán focused on helping this couple with being centred and balanced and with egg/ embryo quality. Bea had identical twins (proving great egg quality) with the help of surrogacy. Bea also went on to conceive naturally after this. Siobhán mainly used her unique techniques of helping them transform stress by supporting them to connect within and trust their body intelligence alongside natural herbs. Bea told 15 other couples who then attended Siobhán, all of whom went on to conceive and have healthy babies. Watch to be inspired by Bea’s inspirational journey to motherhood with Siobhán's help.

  • Your appointment is based on a clinical diagnosis of your fertility or health issues and also that of your partner. The aim of treatment is getting to the root of the problem and treating the whole person. Siobhán has an unique way of explaining what causes imbalances in the body and during the video consultation she will recommend an individual plan for you with specific supplements and techniques to help balance the body for optimum health. This is so important for the pre-conceptual health of both parents to help have a baby of a healthy constitution whether planning a natural conception or IVF. This holistic approach looks at the whole person and gives you the best chance of fertility success by getting the body into the best shape physically and emotionally which is hugely important for fertility, optimum health and in building the immune system.

  • Fertility Treatment Centre

    Fertility Treatment Centre is run under the direction of Registered Midwife and Herbalist Siobhán Kehoe who has helping treat people with fertility problems since 1995 and achieves excellent results. Book an appointment online here or call us on 053 927 0725.

    Siobhan Kehoe Fertility Treatment Centre - book appointment


    Appointments for Fertility

    You can book an online video consultation here. Siobhán strongly recommends that a couples appointment is booked for you and your partner for your first appointment. You will be prompted to create an account to make your first booking. It's easy and gives you access to your private patient portal.

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    New Clients Booking Form 

    Both partners should complete a pre-booking in-take form 7 days prior to appointment. Once you have booked your appointment, a link will be sent to you where you can complete this. If you have a couples appointment, you will be sent two links. Find out more about your first appointment here.

    Siobhan Kehoe Fertility Treatment Centre - Appointments for general healthcare


    Follow on / Review Consultation Forms

    Siobhan likes to review how the treatment plan is working and if any changes need to be made. This is done in a follow up Review appointment. You will need to complete a Review Patient form and this will be sent to you once you have booked your Review appointment. This should be completed 7 days prior to appointment. You can book your appointment here.

  • Love Trust Truth

    Siobhán is committed to a comprehensive and holistic approach to individual healthcare and clinical diagnosis. Research has established the interconnection between the mind and the body with high levels of stress associated with decreased fertility. The effects of subconscious stress on the body is relatively new in Western medicine. In Eastern medicine, however, it is part of a holistic approach to a person’s overall health. When the mind is stressed, this triggers stress in the blood leading to inflammation and other medical issues. Through Siobháns 'Oneness Fertility' Programme, she encourages and teaches couples and individuals techniques for self love, trusting your body intelligence and being true to yourself. This can transform even very complicated fertility issues and also lead to optimum health.

  • What Patients Say

    Life-changing stories of Siobhan's patients

    13 Failed IVF Cycles, Success with twins on 14th attempt and with Siobhán's help

    An an older woman with 13 previous failed IVFs, I started treatment with Siobhán a few months before my 14th attempt. Her kind interest in our overall well-being (especially during the many scary patches) was truly refreshing. I went on to have wonderful twin boys and Siobhán's therapy was an integral part of my IVF preparation.

    Dr. Andra Bobart-Hone, Consultant Surgeon, Dublin

    <<read more about Dr. Bobart-Hone's story

    <<read more about Failed IVFs

    PCOS, Underactive Thyroid, Overweight and trying for 3.5 years

    My husband and I had been actively trying for many years. It was so difficult year after year of disappointment. I had begun to look at alternative therapies as I found western medicine was no help to me. I suffered with an underactive thyroid, PCOS, insulin resistance, was overweight and had milder underlying conditions. I was trying to conceive for 3.5 years. Within 4 weeks of Siobhán's treatment I conceived naturally and went on to have a healthy baby boy. Siobhán is amazing and I can't say enough about how much she has changed our lives.

    Elaine Shanahan, Dublin

    <<read more about Elaine's story

    <<read more about PCOS

    Lost 5 babies, told my egg quality was poor and egg count very low

    Myself and my husband came to see Siobhán after losing 5 babies. We were told it was down to poor egg quality and, when we looked at IVF, were told that my egg count was very low. Working with Siobhán I became pregnant within 3 months and went on to have a healthy baby girl. I honestly believe that without Siobhán's help, my baby girl would not be here now.

    Ciara Walsh, Limerick

    <<read more about Ciara's story

    <<read more about Low AMH

    5 Failed IVF Cycles, 4 miscarriages. Pregnant within 5 weeks naturally after attending Siobhán.

    After 4 long years, 5 rounds of IVF including a donor embryo cycle and 4 miscarriages we felt we needed a different approach. After 5 weeks on a strict diet, supplements, Chinese herbs and self-love as recommended by Siobhán, we found out I was pregnant. Our little girl arrived in to the world full term at 7 lbs 9.5oz. After she was born, we continued on the plan recommended by Siobhán and fell pregnant with twins! We still can't believe it! We feel we have struck gold and can never thank Siobhán enough.

    Rachel & John Collins, Tipperary

    <<read more about Rachel & John's story

    <<read more about Miscarriages

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  • Find Out More About Fertility and How Siobhán Helps

    Siobhán Sees Couples From Abroad Too

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    Siobhán does regular fertility videos on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube giving you information on fertility and what you can do to improve your chance of success. She also does the occasional Facebook Live event. Connect with her and get notified of her next one.

    Connect on Facebook

    Connect on Instagram

    Connect on YouTube

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    For those who live too far to travel, Siobhán does video consultations to help those who feel they would not be able to see her due to distance. Couples outside Ireland can be seen by Zoom or Skype. Find out more here.

    Siobhan Kehoe Fertility Treatment Centre - Appointments for general healthcare


    In this radio programme researcher Karen Tomkins follows Siobhán as she helps four couples in their fertility journey. Nominated for an IMRO Award, it was the only local programme in the category. Others were for the BBC and RTE.

    Read more

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    Patient Service Awards and In The Media

    Siobhán has won multiple Patient Service Awards and has been featured in the media for her work with patients and fertility.

  • Low AMH & High FSH

    Women with low ovarian reserve (AMH) or High FSH can often be advised to consider adoption or egg donation. Medical consultants say that they have a low egg reserve or are menopausal so IVF is their only option. Many, however, who have come to Siobhán have often seen AMH levels increase significantly and FSH drops considerably after only a few months of treatment. Many couples who were told IVF was their only option (by their medical team) have conceived naturally. Read more.

    Multiple Miscarriages

    Treatment of miscarriage is primarily pre-conceptual. The aim is to nourish the developing eggs and sperm to ensure a healthy embryo. A healthy uterus lining is also very important as is managing stress and calming the mind. Read more.

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), is the most common cause of female infertility. Siobhán treatment aims at calming the mind and reducing stress. Each woman is treated individually with herbs, diet recommendations and acupuncture. Irregular periods become regular within a few months. She has excellent results. Read more.

    Failed IVFs

    Many couples have achieved great success after a history of failed IVF's with Siobhán's help. Treatment is aimed primarily at ensuring an optimum embryo/blastocyst and good implantation. Treatment helps to build a healthy egg, healthy sperm, and healthier constitutions. Specific practices of self-love and trusting the body's intelligence also help. Where there seemed to be no hope for these couples, Siobhán could help. Read more.

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    Endometriosis is a common cause of infertility. Siobhán see stress as a big aspect of this. She encourages and instructs couples in ways they can calm the mind by using specific techniques. She also uses herbs and acupuncture. Treatment is aimed at calming the immune system and mind and treating blood stagnation. Read more.

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    Male Infertility

    Male infertility accounts for almost 50% of all cases of fertility problems. Siobhán helps with a vast range of male infertility issues including low count, poor morphology, low motility, high antibodies, high DNA fragmentation and auto-immune conditions. Stress management is also key. Read more.

    Over 40

    Siobhán aims to increase your chances of success for conceiving over the age of 40 and carrying a healthy baby to term. Calming the mind, relaxation and self-care are key components. She also aims to improve the health of the mother which helps with conception, delivery, and the health of the mother and child.


    Auto-immune problems are on the increase. Many medical professionals believe they may be the third most common cause of infertility (after infections and endometriosis). Treatment is aimed at strengthening the person’s immune system and reducing stress using herbs and/or medicinal mushrooms, specific diet plans and acupuncture. Research has shown excellent results with medicinal mushrooms for helping women with autoimmune fertility conditions. Read more.

  • Siobhan Kehoe - Fertility Treatment Centre, Clinical Director

    Siobhán Kehoe

    Clinical Director of the Fertility Treatment Centre

    Siobhán is a Fertility Expert with 30 years experience. She is a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife. She is also a Registered Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a qualified Acupuncturist, and a qualified Herbalist. She participates in on-going clinical education and research into leading fertility practices and she is passionate about helping couples conceive healthy babies. She's developed her own programme, Oneness Fertility, to help couples and individuals to understand and trust their body's intelligence. This greatly helps them so they conceive naturally and carry their baby to term -- something previously thought impossible for most of these couples. Read more about Siobhán.

    Helping You to Help Yourself

    Nature is on your side. When a body is healthy, it will do what it naturally wants: to conceive a healthy baby. I combine my clinical expertise with Eastern medicine to get to the root of your fertility issues. I use Oneness Fertility, my own programme, for balancing body and mind. I'll help you and your partner get your body and mind into an optimum state. This ensures not only a healthy pregnancy but also a healthy constitution for your child which is the best gift you can give your baby. Siobhán

  •     Natural Fertility treatments that combine the best of

    Western & Eastern medicine

    Siobhán’s approach integrates the theory and practice of both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and modern medicine. As a Registered Midwife, she recognises and has much respect for western medicine and recommends certain individual diagnostic procedures. She also uses Chinese Medicine which has been used to treat fertility problems for 4,000 years. Siobhán is passionate about helping couples to have a healthy baby and would be very happy to help you.

  • More Amazing Stories

    Giving couples hope

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    4 Failed IVF Cycles, Only one Fallopian Tube, Used Surrogate initially then Conceived Naturally

    After 4 failed IVFs, an ectopic pregnancy, only one tube in action and age starting to creep up, I went to Siobhán for help having a baby through a family surrogacy. My dream came true with the birth of twin boys. But it gets better! After this I returned to Siobhán and, four weeks later, I was expecting myself. I went on to carry my own baby and delivered a healthy baby boy two years later. I am so thankful to Siobhán that I've given her name to 14 other couples who have all conceived naturally with Siobháns' treatment.

    Bea and Shaun Bicheng, Wexford

    <<read more about Bea & Shawn's story

    <<read more about Failed IVFs

    Endometriosis, Failed IVF with no eggs retrieved and told she had no chance of conceiving naturally

    Cathy had endometriosis, low AMH, and a failed IVF with no eggs retrieved. She was told she had no chance of conceiving naturally and that her chance of conceiving with IVF was less than 2%. She was also told she would need a donor egg. She conceived naturally within two visits of seeing Siobhan and went on to have healthy baby.

    Cathy Cunningham, Co. Waterford

    <<hear Cathy's story

    <<read more about Endometriosis

    No eggs retrieved with IVF, Told Donor Egg Best and Last Option

    My partner and I did a round of IVF which failed as no eggs were collected and the cycle was cancelled. My AMH was 0.2 and FSH 27 before IVF but this shot up to 52 after the failed cycle. Conor had low motility and morphology. We were told that donor egg was our last and best option. I felt upset, lost and completely shocked. Within six weeks of seeing Siobhán I became pregnang naturally! Our beautiful daughter Ciara arrvied safely in August. We are so grateful and Siobhán has been a great advice giver and friend through this journey.

    Sarah Guy & Conor Storey, Dublin

    <<read more about Sarah & Conor's story

    <<read more about Low AMH/High FSH

    <<read more about Male infertility

    1 sperm to 6 million after six months of Siobhán's treatment. Now we have 3 very healthy children.

    There was only one single sperm seen on my husband's semen analysis. After 6 months of treatment, this went up to 6 million. Thanks to Siobhán we now have 3 very healthy children. My obstetrician highly praises her and regularly sends patients to her for her excellent results

    Mary, Wexford

    <<read more about Mary's story

    <<read more about Male Infertility

  • How Siobhán Supports IVF, IUI and ICSI    

    Many couples told they needed IVF, or who had failed IVFs, have become pregnant naturally with Siobhán's help. For couples who cannot get pregnant naturally or who wish to have IVF/IUI, Siobhán can greatly improve your chances of success. Her unique experience helps in understanding why it failed and how best to address it. She aims to get to the root of the problem while giving you a healthier body. She works to build you and your partner up nutritionally which ensures a better quality egg and sperm. She works on implantation issues and developing a good quality uterine lining. And she helps you to build your immune system, clearing signs of infection, so you have a much better chance of holding on to a transferred embryo/blastocyst.


    Siobhán prescribes herbs based on your individual needs and she provides advice and guidance on diet which is tailored to you. She advises a minimum three month pre-treatment plan for both you and your partner as this works best to greatly improve the likelihood that your IVF, IUI or ICSI treatment is successful the first time. She can help if your treatment is in Ireland or abroad.

    Read how Siobhán supported Louise & Ronan with IVF.

    Find out more about treatments with IVF or book your appointment.

  • What you should know about Infertility

    One in six couples have problems getting or staying pregnant. Fertility treatment can give couples a chance of having a baby to those who otherwise might not have that chance.


    Traditional fertility treatments can be stressful and technical. Making babies, however, is still best as a natural process. Siobhán treats an individual’s underlying symptoms, linked to a person’s fertility problems, while simultaneously helping to ensure the person's optimum health. A balanced and healthy body should do what it is meant to do: conceive and carry a healthy baby to term.

    Contact Siobhán. She's giving hope to couples.

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