About Siobhán Kehoe
Medical Director of the Fertility Treatment Centre
Training & Experience
Siobhán Kehoe qualified as a Registered Midwife in 1995 and as a Registered General Nurse in 1991. Siobhán has worked as a Midwife in Ireland, England and Australia. She worked in a Dublin Fertility Clinic. She also worked in the Anti-natal Clinic and Early Pregnancy Unit in a Dublin hospital where she gained invaluable experience.
She is registered with An Bord Altranais and is a member of the Irish Nurses and Midwifery Organisation (INMO), the Irish Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (IRCHM) and the Acupuncture Council of Ireland (TCMCI). She is a registered Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and qualified as an Acupuncturist in 2001, following a three year Diploma course in Acupuncture. She then qualified as a Herbalist in 2005, after completing a further two year diploma course in Herbalism. Siobhán studied and practised in three hospitals in China where she obtained a licentiate in Acupuncture in 2001. She also has a cert in the Acupuncture Fertility Network.
Obstretics, Gynaecology & Chinese Medicine
Siobhán has recently completed a diploma course in Obstretics and Gynaecology with London based medical consultant Dr Trevor Wing (www.naturalgynae.com). This is the only course of its kind available outside of China. Dr Wing is a clinical consultant, researcher and lecturer. He is highly sought after and lectures around Europe. He's involved in much of the recent research being done on fertility treatment. Siobhán graduated from this course with a distinction (September 2016). She'ss excited to learn about new developments in fertility and also about modern research. She is passionate about ensuring that her patients receive the most recent and best information on fertility treatment.
Siobhán has been treating fertility problems with excellent results since 2001 and testimonials (since August 2010) can be found on this website. Siobhán’s approach to treating fertility problems integrates the theory and practice of two medical systems represented by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and modern medicine. As a Registered Midwife herself she very much recognises and has a lot of respect for western medicine and recommends certain individual diagnostic procedures. Chinese Medicine is the oldest recorded medical system. Chinese Medicine has been treating fertility problems for over 4,000 years with excellent results.
Siobhán with her Midwifery has been working as a Herbalist/Acupuncturist since 2001 and is passionate about helping couples to have a healthy baby.
Siobhán holds a good knowledge of diagnostic tests and modern medicine. She finds that the diagnostic tests and modern research enables her to focus her skillful application to herbal medicine. Siobhán is always happy to inform other medical professional about a patients progress (with their permission) and to work alongside the medical profession. As a mother herself of three beautiful children Siobhán knows the absolute joy that a baby brings and hopes to be able to help in bringing this joy to other couples.
It's not just fertility that Siobhán treats, she works with people of all ages who want to become more centered and balanced in both mind and body.
Professional Associations
Siobhán believes in an integrated approach to healthcare and in empowering couples to make adjustments to their life. Siobhan explains their condition and their diagnosis and gives them confidence and encouragement in preparing their body for conception. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the oldest and continuous recorded medical system. For couples who choose to use TCM exclusively Siobhán is happy to be the primary source of helping their fertility problems. For others who wish to avail of western medicine, Siobhán is happy to act as a support for fertility treatments eg. IVF/ICSI. TCM focuses on restoring good health and balance to the body it can help western medical treatments to work better. Siobhán is happy to work with medical staff with a person’s treatment.
Siobhán’s aim of treatment is to support a couple’s ability to get pregnant naturally. Siobhán also supports couples who “need” intervention such as IVF/ICSI, helping improve sperm and egg quality (to ensure a healthy blastocyst), ensuring a healthy endometrial lining, reducing stress and balancing hormonal levels and getting the body in balance.
Siobhan's Approach
Combining Western and Eastern Medicine
Siobhán treats an individual’s underlying symptoms that are linked to a person’s fertility problems while simultaneously helping to ensure optimum health of the person. When the body is balanced and healthy it should do what it is meant to do: conceive and carry a healthy baby to term. Siobhán provides support for natural pregnancy, medical intervention, and egg donor.
World's largest drug free health care therapy
Acupuncture is the world’s largest drug free health care therapy and is compatible with Western (orthodox) medicine. It is used to diagnose and treat illness, improve well being and prevent disease. Thin hair like individually packaged sterile disposable acupuncture needles are used in accordance with the code of practise. Treatment is generally painless. Read more.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
A Complete Health System
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete health system which includes Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, exercise, nutritional and lifestyle advice. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised for over 4,000 years and is now serving more than a quarter of the world’s population. The World Health Organisation states it is being practiced in 78 countries. TCM relies on Tongue and Pulse diagnosis. A disharmony in the body is recognised in the tongue and pulse. Chinese Medicine has the capacity to give an unique diagnosis and corresponding treatment specific to the person
Medical Intervention or Egg Donor
TCM can help
Siobhán also treats couples who need egg donation/donor sperm/donor embryo if this deemed necessary. Siobhán has met many couples who were told they would need a donor egg or donor sperm by a fertility clinic, however got pregnant naturally while on Siobhán’s treatment. Please see testimonials to read more about her many successes.
"I always opted for western medicine over natural choices. It wasn't until, after trying for two years, that we didn't conceive did I reluctantly try Traditional Chinese Medicine and I'm so glad that I did."
Chinese Herbs & Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
The herbs Siobhán uses are from excellent quality plants. Siobhan orders her prescription herbal remedies from a company that has over 40 years of importing experience. The herbs are internationally certified by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and they have been China Good Manufacturing Practises (GMP) certified for years. A statement of Quality Assurance from the company is available here.
This sets standards that ensure the products are safe and effective. No mineral or animal products are used. Each herbal product is manufactured according to official Chinese Pharmacopoeia Guidelines or other government sanctioned references. These references contain individual monographs that have been reviewed and chosen from different references across China by a scientific committee. The monographs specify the ingredients, processes and quality control protocols that must followed in order to manufacture a specific formula. Strict adherence to these official guidelines ensures that the products are sourced, formulated, extracted and tested according to rigorous and detailed parameters that have been not only laboratory tested but clinically tested as well.
For additional quality assurance, the company uses third party laboratories for verification testing of heavy metals, pesticides and contaminates. Certificates of analysis are provided for every batch.Fertility Treatment Centre
Consultations are held through online consultations with Zoom. Call 053 927 0725 to see if Siobhán can help and to make your appointment or click on the link below to book your appointment.
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Information on this site is not meant to provide a medical diagnosis. Contact Siobhán to discuss your specific situation. See full disclaimer here. Fertility Treatment Centre Phone: 053 927 0725 Email: fertilitytreatment.ie@gmail.com © 2021 Website Design by ImpulseHub Web Design, Training & Consultancy