Our third Radio Interview with South East Radio’s Karen Tomkins, “A Fertile Plan” with Siobhan Kehoe, Fertility Expert will air on Wednesday 2nd May at 11.05 am. This will be our third time to meet with the 3 couples who have agreed to take us on their journey to try to conceive naturally with the help and guidance of Siobhan Kehoe by taking a combination of herbs, supplements and acupuncture.
To recap on our 3 couples, we will take a quick look back on how the last meeting went with Siobhan and how they are progressing with Siobhan’s guidance. First up we meet Ciara and Lorcan who have been trying to conceive for 5 years now. Last month Siobhan concentrated on Ciara’s menstrual cycle by prescribing herbs and supplements to help with the colour of Ciara’s period flow and making her cycle more regular. Siobhan is also working with Ciara on doing affirmations, which will allow Ciara to think in a more positive and balanced way. In relation to Lorcan, Siobhan prescribed him some capsules to help with the coating on his tongue to help unthicken semen. Both Ciara and Lorcan have noticed definite changes in the area’s that Siobhan has treated. Ciara’s periods are more regular and better in colour, while Lorcan’s tongue is looking healthier. Siobhan has given the couple the green light to get back to nature….
Our second couple, Aoife and Ken have been trying to conceive for 2 years unsuccessfully. Since meeting with the couple, Siobhan has advised Aoife to take Castrol Oil Packs to help with her period flow and PMT (Pre-Menstrual Tension). Siobhan advised Aoife in looking at her stress levels, looking after themselves with good warm wholesome foods. The more protein the body gets, the healthier the blood becomes. If you have a blood deficiency this can delay the chances of getting pregnant a little, until the blood builds up. It’s all positive, Aoife and Ken are not giving up and are very hopeful of conceiving.
Finally, we met our last couple, Sarah and Conor. Sarah and Conor have been trying for 3 years unsuccessfully. Both Sarah and Conor had very complicated fertility issues, even with a round of IVF where not even one egg was retrieved! Sarah had a 65-day cycle and poor amh levels (0.5) and high fsh levels (27), where Conor had male fertility issues. After Siobhan prescribing herbs and supplements to them both, they had some news to share…. they were expecting after just one regular period and within 5 weeks of natural treatment. Sarah was 7 weeks pregnant at the time of the Radio Interview recording (not real time). The couple are over the moon, to say the least.
Please tune in on Wednesday 2nd May at 11.05 am where you can hear the 3rd Radio Interview and how these 3 couples are progressing with Siobhan’s care and help in trying to conceive naturally by having love versus fear in them and going back to nature.