I am writing to tell other non-believers like myself to wake up and “hug a tree”. We are currently 15 weeks on that life changing journey of pregnancy.
Before this process I was a total non believer having always embraced western medical treatment, and would have never considered herbs and acupuncture. We have under gone one very successful IVF but since then five failed IVF cycles. On medical advice we travelled to Prague to undergo IVF because of their advances in this area. However we received the explanation that no couple want to hear “it must be just a case of unexplained infertility”. This was the end of the line in relation to IVF.
Needless to say, I was not the one in the relationship that first suggested we try Chinese herbs and acupuncture.. So when I arrived in Enniscorthy and asked to stick out my tongue, I started to laugh inside to myself thinking “What are we doing??”. When Siobhan was able to describe me to a tee, I sat up and decided to listen. Siobhan is very knowledgeable in what she does and is very straight talking. I was totally taken aback when I heard Siobhan describe my personality and health.
When we left with 2 bags of herbs if I’m being totally honest, it was going to be a long shot. The first night I drank the herbs, it was without doubt the worst thing l ever tasted. But it was a belief in Siobhan’s knowledge that made me drink it again the next night and the next night.
I can’t describe our delight that after just 2 months we found out we were pregnant. It had worked naturally after five failed IVF cycles. I ran outside and hugged a tree! It is hard to believe that herbs can work where the best of western medical advice failed.
Siobhan is grounded enough to know that herbs and Chinese medicine works. This is something I thought I would never every believe in but I do. It is simple; it works and in our case very quickly.
Martin from Sligo