Siobhán Kehoe qualified as a Registered Midwife in 1995 and as a Registered General Nurse in 1991. Siobhán has worked as a Midwife in Ireland, England and Australia. She worked in a Dublin Fertility Clinic. She also worked in the Anti-natal Clinic and Early Pregnancy Unit in a Dublin hospital where she gained invaluable experience.

Siobhán is registered with An Bord Altranais and is a member of the Irish Nurses and Midwifery Organisation (INMO), the Irish Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (IRCHM) and the Acupuncture Council of Ireland (TCMCI). She is a registered Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and qualified as an Acupuncturist in 2001, following a three year diploma course in Acupuncture. She then qualified as a Herbalist in 2005, after completing a further two year diploma course in Herbalism. Siobhán studied and practised in three hospitals in China where she obtained a licentiate in Acupuncture in 2001. She also has a cert in the Acupuncture Fertility Network.
Siobhan has recently complete a diploma course in obstretics and gynaecology with Chinese medicine. with London based obstrician Dr Trevor Wing ( This is the only course of its kind available outside of China. Dr Wing is a clinical researcher and lecturer, as well as a herbalist and acupuncturist. She has graduated with a distinction. Siobhan is excited to learn about new developments in fertility and also about modern research. She is passionate about ensuring that her patients receive the most recent and best information about herbal prescriptions and acupuncture.
Siobhán has been treating fertility problems with excellent results since 2001 and some recent testimonials since August 2010 can be sourced on this website (see above). Siobhán’s approach to treating fertility problems integrates the theory and practice of two medical systems represented by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and modern medicine. As a Registered Midwife herself she very much recognises and has a lot of respect for western medicine and recommends certain individual diagnostic procedures. Chinese Medicine is the oldest recorded medical system. Chinese Medicine has been treating fertility problems for over 3,000 years with excellent results. Siobhán with her Midwifery has been working as a Herbalist/Acupuncturist since 2001 and is passionate about helping couples to have a healthy baby.
She holds a good knowledge of diagnostic tests and modern medicine. She finds that the diagnostic test and modern research enables her to focus her skilful application to herbal medicine. Siobhán is always happy to inform other medical professional about a patients progress (with their permission) and to work alongside the medical profession. As a mother herself of three beautiful children Siobhán knows the absolute joy that a baby brings and hopes to be able to help in bringing this joy to other couples.