Trying For Baby Number Two


Pregnant within a month

· Irregular Periods,Stress,Unexplained,Acupuncture

My husband and I got pregnant straight away with our first baby in 2017, which led to me naively thinking the 2nd pregnancy would happen just as quickly. My periods took a year to regulate after the birth and after another 10 months of trying to conceive our 2nd baby, I contacted Siobhan, believing some acupuncture might help me.

My husband and I filled out our pre-visit forms and before evening glancing at them, Siobhan asked to look at our tongues. We are still astonished at how accurately she could tell our personality traits, and facts about our busy lifestyles, and our health from looking at our tongues. I got really emotional during it. Siobhan seemed to understand us and our circumstances so well and, straight away, I had every faith in her advice.

She was very factual throughout but empathetic also. She explained that we needed to make space in our busy lives for a baby. She gave us Chinese herbal supplements, recommended other supplements for each of us, recommended reading material and mindfulness. We really didn’t “try” that month for a baby, concentrating on our health and taking our new supplements and giving them time to work.

Well 3 weeks later..... I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! Some might say it was coincidence, but I honestly felt my mindset was different that month. I relaxed and practised mindfulness and together with the supplements, I do not believe I would be pregnant had we not visited Siobhan. I would recommend her to my closest friends and family who are having issues conceiving.

Jenny – Co. Wexford