Trying To Conceive Again Following Fatal Fetal Abnormality

Baby had fatal fetal abnormality - trying to conceive again

· Miscarriages,Other-Conditions,Stress,Failed IVF

Baby had fatal fetal abnormality

My husband and I first met Siobhan in November2017. I had contacted Siobhan after our first baby did not survive past 17 weeks due to a severe form of Osteogensis Imperfecta. We had been advised by a geneticist that our baby’s condition was due to a genetic fault or spontaneous mutation and we really did not know who or what to turn to when the pregnancy failed to progress. My friend advised me to contact Siobhan and while Siobhan admitted she wasn’t familiar with our particular circumstances, she assured us she would try her best to help us. Siobhan’s empathy was in stark contrast to being handed a business card by the consultant in the maternity hospital a few months previously and told to contact the bereavement counsellor.

On meeting Siobhan she quickly noted that we were both ying deficient and advised us that a nutrishionalist would be able to guide us on how to help counteract this. She also advised us of our individual deficiencies and was able to describe our lifestyles to us by doing a quick assessment. The detail Siobhan could give us about our daily lives simply by looking at our tongues,shocked us both. Siobhan emphasised how important the simple things in life are for our health. She advised us to take regular exercise/ walks in the countryside, reduce stress, have a warm breakfast, and take a daily supplement of Chinese herbs, and some health supplements for a minimum of three months to allow for the development of healthy eggs and sperm.

In April 2018 I discovered I was pregnant and visited Siobhan for further advice and acupuncture. I continued to take supplements throughout my pregnancy and it was a truly health experience. We now have a gorgeous 20 week old baby. We cannot believe how lucky we are and are forever grateful for Siobhan’s positivity and advice throughout this journey.

Mile buiochas Siobhan.

Patrick, Catriona and Cillian - Co.Clare.