Update on "A Fertile Plan"

Radio Interviews with South East Radio & Siobhan Kehoe

· South East Radio

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the popular “A Fertile Plan” Interviews on Southeast Radio with Siobhan and c3ouples trying to conceive naturally, had to stop temporarily due to Karen Tompkins (the show’s presenter) getting sick unexpectedly. Thankfully, Karen is feeling better now. We thank Karen for all of her amazing effort to date with the couples and the interviewing process in highlighting theses couples amazing stories, which at all times have been very open and honest.

Aoife and Ken, one of our couples had considered IVF in the hope of conceiving, however symptoms improved and they conceived naturally by the fourth month through their great efforts and help from Siobhan. They had their 14 week scan last week and all is well. They’re looking forward to a healthy pregnancy.

Sarah is now 36 weeks pregnant and all is going very well. The couple have been advised by doctors that Sarah would need to use a donor egg prior to her visit with Siobhan. Her cycles had been 65 days long. Sarah had an amh level of just 0.5, fsh level of 27 which raised to 52 after IVF, and no eggs were retrieved during IVF. Conor had sperm abnormalities (low motility and low morphology). Despite all this, they conceived naturally after 5 weeks of Siobhan’s natural treatment and their amazing efforts.


If you would like to hear the past 3 Radio Interviews on our couple’s stories, please click here https://www.fertilitytreatment.ie/south-east-radio

Siobhán is a registered nurse/registered midwife and acupuncturist. Siobhán uses Chinese Medicine, the oldest recorded medical system in the world, alongside her western medical training and expertise. Having previously worked in a fertility clinic she understands the medical model very well and keeps updated with modern research along with doing many courses. Siobhán has been helping treat fertility issues for over 20 years now and has developed a unique and very successful way of treatment. She is passionate about helping couples conceive and has helped hundreds of couples, who previously thought it was impossible, to be able to bring a healthy baby to term.